Hello Readers! I know I've been stop updating my blog since for a while.
Forgive my laziness. *haha* I'll make sure myself to do something with it.
Well,these days I've been searching some backgrounds for my blog.
LOOK! Isn't sweet!? *syok sendiri*
Well,these days I've been searching some backgrounds for my blog.
LOOK! Isn't sweet!? *syok sendiri*
Is just simple way to do it. Try to search this link.
Don't worry. I'm the first user for this too. Click on 'Backgrounds'
Search the one you want, copy the entire code. Log onto your blog,
Click on 'Design' tab and search for 'Layout' tab. Click on 'Add a Gadget'
Search for the 'HTML/JavaScript' and add it.
Paste the entire code which you copied just now. And SAVE!
And now you're going to have a CUTEST blog like mine!
They've the directions for you too :) *if you don't understand*
Is pretty good. Remember to rate the blog ya! :)
Btw,recommend you a song. 'Drenched', Wanting.
I've been listening to her songs this few days. Wanted to share it out.
She is a good singer,having a wonderful voice.
I remember one night,I passed by and saw her poster.
And I just had this feeling, I walked in to have a look.
They were promoting her new album.
When I first listened to her voice, I felt that why is it so different?
And just one word came into my mind, she is *beautiful*
Her songs are meaningful, Just like now,I felt in love with this song, 'Drenched'
She looks hot in this picture
I even shared it with my daddy, and now I share it with you all. :)
Hope you all like it. Enjoy. Loves. xoxo.
Lasting, I want to share this!
Hahaha,Finally I tried it! I told myself many times, Snowflake snowflake~
But end up failed. I would actually go back for Tutti Frutti.
Anyway,here's it. Ocha'Ryo!okieee,I don't know how to pronounce it nicely!
Btw,It tastes super awesome!*I'm a green tea fan*
Premium green tea flavor, with Black sesames, Red beans, and Pearls.
Rm7.90 for one. They've few outlets, check out this link.
That's all about today. Loves. xoxo.